Entity Framework (EF) is a popular object-relational mapping framework used to interact with databases in .NET applications. EF offers different mapping strategies, each of which affects the database schema and how EF interacts with the hierarchy of .NET types. In this article, we will examine how these mapping strategies affects performance in SQL Server.

Mapping strategies in Entity Framework

The official Microsoft documentation describes 3 mapping strategies:

  • Table-per-hierarchy (TPH);
  • Table-per-class (TPC);
  • Table-per-type (TPT).

In my experience, I have also encountered another mapping strategy that I refer to as TPH with JSON. The main idea behind this strategy is to convert properties from the derived classes to a JSON payload and add a discriminator column, similar to the default TPH strategy.

Let’s have a look at the hierarchy below:

public class Root
    // Root properties

public class ChildA : Root
    // ChildA propertie

public class ChildB : Root
    // ChildB properties

public class ChildC : Root
    // ChildC properties

The database schemas for this hierarchy will be as follows:

content content content content

As shown below:

  • TPH table contains all the properties from all the types.
  • TPC child tables are non related to the parent Roots table.
  • TPT child tables contains only type specific columns and related to the parent Roots table.
  • TPH with JSON looks very similar to plain TPH, except all the columns for child properties replaced by one JSON column Payload. Column PayloadType corresponds to Discriminator column in TPH.

Now let’s find out how all these mapping strategies affect on performance in SQL Server.


The benchmark project has 4 instances of DbContext for each kind of mapping strategy. TPH, TPC and TPT are pretty simple. TPH with JSON requires additional wrapper class to transform child DB objects to JSON payload:

public class RootWrapper : Root
    public string Payload { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    public Root OriginalEntity
            // code for deserializing JSON to ChildA, ChildB or ChildC
            // code for serializing ChildA, ChildB or ChildC to JSON 

    public PayloadTypes PayloadType { get; set; }

    public enum PayloadTypes

I also used Bogus library for generating fake data and BenchmarkDotNet library for benchmarking itself.

There are 2 benchmarks in the projects - for INSERT and SELECT data. I didn’t test UPDATE and DELETE because it requires to specify the filter predicate and it’s little bit complicated due to randomized fake data.


Here are the benchmark results. As we can see from the figures below, TPT has the worst performance for SELECT as well as INSERT. This strategy is about 40-60% slower than TPH which is default for EF. TPC performs slightly better in selecting data, but slightly worse in inserting data compared to TPH. The most interesting fact is that TPH with JSON performance better than TPH performance.

  • Image 1 Figure 1 - Execution time for inserting data
  • Image 2 Figure 2 - Execution time for selecting data

TPH vs TPH with JSON

I was curious why TPH with JSON shows better performance that TPH, so I created another benchmark. This benchmark uses instances of DbContext with entities that have 3, 5, 8, 13 and 21 properties for each type of mapping strategy (10 in total).

As we can see from figure 3 and 4, TPH with JSON strategy has almost the same insertion time, while the TPH execution time increases with both the number of properties and the number of entities.

  • Figure 3 - Dependence of inserting time on the number of entities and the number of properties
  • Figure 4 - Ratio of `TPH` execution time to `TPH with JSON` execution time for inserting data
  • Figure 5 - Ratio of `TPH` execution time to `TPH with JSON` execution time for inserting data

Apparently, TPH has worse performance due to two things:

  1. EF Core creates separate INSERT queries for each of type in the hierarchy.
  2. EF Core creates parameters for each property.

In this particular example, EF Core created 4 INSERT queries and 82 parameters:

INSERT INTO [tph21].[Roots] ([ChildAProp1], [ChildAProp10], [ChildAProp11], [ChildAProp12], [ChildAProp13], [ChildAProp14], [ChildAProp15], [ChildAProp16], [ChildAProp17], [ChildAProp18], [ChildAProp19], [ChildAProp2], [ChildAProp20], [ChildAProp21], [ChildAProp3], [ChildAProp4], [ChildAProp5], [ChildAProp6], [ChildAProp7], [ChildAProp8], [ChildAProp9], [Discriminator], [RootProp1], [RootProp2], [RootProp3], [RootProp4])
VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10, @p11, @p12, @p13, @p14, @p15, @p16, @p17, @p18, @p19, @p20, @p21, @p22, @p23, @p24, @p25);

INSERT INTO [tph21].[Roots] ([ChildBProp1], [ChildBProp10], [ChildBProp11], [ChildBProp12], [ChildBProp13], [ChildBProp14], [ChildBProp15], [ChildBProp16], [ChildBProp17], [ChildBProp18], [ChildBProp19], [ChildBProp2], [ChildBProp20], [ChildBProp21], [ChildBProp3], [ChildBProp4], [ChildBProp5], [ChildBProp6], [ChildBProp7], [ChildBProp8], [ChildBProp9], [Discriminator], [RootProp1], [RootProp2], [RootProp3], [RootProp4])
VALUES (@p26, @p27, @p28, @p29, @p30, @p31, @p32, @p33, @p34, @p35, @p36, @p37, @p38, @p39, @p40, @p41, @p42, @p43, @p44, @p45, @p46, @p47, @p48, @p49, @p50, @p51);

INSERT INTO [tph21].[Roots] ([ChildCProp1], [ChildCProp10], [ChildCProp11], [ChildCProp12], [ChildCProp13], [ChildCProp14], [ChildCProp15], [ChildCProp16], [ChildCProp17], [ChildCProp18], [ChildCProp19], [ChildCProp2], [ChildCProp20], [ChildCProp21], [ChildCProp3], [ChildCProp4], [ChildCProp5], [ChildCProp6], [ChildCProp7], [ChildCProp8], [ChildCProp9], [Discriminator], [RootProp1], [RootProp2], [RootProp3], [RootProp4])
VALUES (@p52, @p53, @p54, @p55, @p56, @p57, @p58, @p59, @p60, @p61, @p62, @p63, @p64, @p65, @p66, @p67, @p68, @p69, @p70, @p71, @p72, @p73, @p74, @p75, @p76, @p77);
INSERT INTO [tph21].[Roots] ([Discriminator], [RootProp1], [RootProp2], [RootProp3], [RootProp4])
VALUES (@p78, @p79, @p80, @p81, @p82);

For TPH with JSON EF Core created only one INSERT query because all types in hierarchy were converted into single wrapper class. The number of parameters is 23 which is also almost 4 times less:

MERGE [tphjson21].[Roots] USING (
VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, 0),(@p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10, @p11, 1),(@p12, @p13, @p14, @p15, @p16, @p17, 2),(@p18, @p19, @p20, @p21, @p22, @p23, 3)) AS i ([Payload], [PayloadType], [RootProp1], [RootProp2], [RootProp3], [RootProp4], _Position) ON 1=0
INSERT ([Payload], [PayloadType], [RootProp1], [RootProp2], [RootProp3], [RootProp4])
VALUES (i.[Payload], i.[PayloadType], i.[RootProp1], i.[RootProp2], i.[RootProp3], i.[RootProp4])
OUTPUT INSERTED.[Id], i._Position;

The situation for selecting data is a bit different. According to the benchmark results, TPH is slightly worse than TPH with JSON when properties count is less than 8. For all other cases, TPH has better execution time.

  • Figure 6 - Dependence of selecting time on the number of entities and the number of properties
  • Figure 7 - Ratio of `TPH` execution time to `TPH with JSON` execution time for selecting data
  • Figure 8 - Ratio of `TPH` execution time to `TPH with JSON` execution time for selecting data

For both mapping strategies, EF Core created a single SELECT query. The only difference is in columns count. It seems that JSON serialization can only affect performance with a relatively large number of properties.

SELECT [r].[Id], [r].[Discriminator], [r].[RootProp1], [r].[RootProp2], [r].[RootProp3], [r].[RootProp4], [r].[ChildAProp1], [r].[ChildAProp10], [r].[ChildAProp11], [r].[ChildAProp12], [r].[ChildAProp13], [r].[ChildAProp14], [r].[ChildAProp15], [r].[ChildAProp16], [r].[ChildAProp17], [r].[ChildAProp18], [r].[ChildAProp19], [r].[ChildAProp2], [r].[ChildAProp20], [r].[ChildAProp21], [r].[ChildAProp3], [r].[ChildAProp4], [r].[ChildAProp5], [r].[ChildAProp6], [r].[ChildAProp7], [r].[ChildAProp8], [r].[ChildAProp9], [r].[ChildBProp1], [r].[ChildBProp10], [r].[ChildBProp11], [r].[ChildBProp12], [r].[ChildBProp13], [r].[ChildBProp14], [r].[ChildBProp15], [r].[ChildBProp16], [r].[ChildBProp17], [r].[ChildBProp18], [r].[ChildBProp19], [r].[ChildBProp2], [r].[ChildBProp20], [r].[ChildBProp21], [r].[ChildBProp3], [r].[ChildBProp4], [r].[ChildBProp5], [r].[ChildBProp6], [r].[ChildBProp7], [r].[ChildBProp8], [r].[ChildBProp9], [r].[ChildCProp1], [r].[ChildCProp10], [r].[ChildCProp11], [r].[ChildCProp12], [r].[ChildCProp13], [r].[ChildCProp14], [r].[ChildCProp15], [r].[ChildCProp16], [r].[ChildCProp17], [r].[ChildCProp18], [r].[ChildCProp19], [r].[ChildCProp2], [r].[ChildCProp20], [r].[ChildCProp21], [r].[ChildCProp3], [r].[ChildCProp4], [r].[ChildCProp5], [r].[ChildCProp6], [r].[ChildCProp7], [r].[ChildCProp8], [r].[ChildCProp9]
FROM [tph21].[Roots] AS [r]
SELECT [r].[Id], [r].[Payload], [r].[PayloadType], [r].[RootProp1], [r].[RootProp2], [r].[RootProp3], [r].[RootProp4]
FROM [tphjson21].[Roots] AS [r]


In conclusion, the benchmark conducted in this article sheds light on the differences between various mapping strategies in EF Core. The summarized results are presented in the table below.

Place Mapping strategy Pros Cons
1 TPH with JSON Better performance when inserting and selecting data compared to other strategies almost in all cases - Requires additional coding to implement wrapper class
- Worse that TPH in selecting data from tables with relatively large number of columns
- Requires the creation of computed columns to create JSON indexes
1 TPH - Default EF Core strategy that doesn’t require any additional configuration
- Relatively good performance almost in all cases
Performance degradation when there are many types in hierarchy
2 TPC Slightly better than TPH in inserting data Slightly worse than TPH in selecting data
3 TPT ??? The worst performance in all cases